Monday, September 24, 2012


 I wanted to thank everyone for all the letters, cards, care packages, and mail we received while in Peoria. Thank you Mary Saylor and the CCD class for the cards and gifts. Thank you to Carter's Growth class for all the cards and get well wishes. Thank you to the Ludwig family. Carter was so excited to see all the cards from the kindergarten and 3rd grade classes. Your package came on Friday when he was really bummed. He spent most of the day tearful wanting to go home. When the package he was so excited it turned his whole day around especially the treats...yum!!! Thank you Justin, Jenny, and family. And also a big thank you to Mrs. Reakes and Southwest Elementary. You have all cheered Carter on and your kind words and prayers have made him stronger everyday. Mrs. Reakes Carter loves the Halloween bag. He keeps it filled with all his trinkets!! You all made his day and his stay at OSF a lot brighter. He decorated his room with all the cards and spread the toys across his hospital bed. He was so proud. Our family is proud. Proud to live in a kind, loving, supportive, and generous community. Our community rocks!!! Thank you all so much!!

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