Friday, September 14, 2012

Rough Afternoon

  Please pray for Carter. He is having a rough afternoon. He is no longer complaining of pain but he is extremely pale and has been losing a lot of blood through his chest tube. They took some stat blood tests and we awaiting the results. They also ordered some blood for a possible blood transfusion. He can no longer have any food or drink in case they need to do a procedure. They believe there is still some internal bleeding that should have stopped by now. I will keep you updated. We are extremely worried and in need of some positive thoughts and prayers. Please pray for Carter......


  1. ~ We are praying for you Carter ~

  2. I am praying and sending all my love and postive thoughts! Wish I could HUG you all and stop this pain and make it be over Kim! (((Hugs)))

  3. I'll be keeping Carter and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers as he works his way towards recovery!! (I'm another friend of Jenny's)

    Camela (aka Read)

  4. Praying!!!!! We will be there soon. Love you guys.

  5. That is more than rough. Sending mega positive vibes to Carter & your family!

  6. Sending tons of positive energy and prayers your way!! We will be there as soon as we can. Love you.

  7. Love you buddy and praying for you!!!! Sandy

  8. Hang in there Carter and Family!!! Lots of hugs & kisses, good thoughts & prayers from me to you!!!

  9. Praying for you!


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