Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Back to school, PE, and recess......yeah!!!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
1st Postop Visit
Monday, October 1, 2012
Checking in at OSF
Carter in the Newspaper
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Jessica Hutchison, Tara VanOpdorp Goodwin, Dawn Hemphill Photo Credit: Claudia Loucks/Quad Cities Online correspondent |
By Claudia Loucks Posted Online: Sept. 28, 2012, 7:20 am
ATKINSON -- Carter Yackley is "a living, breathing miracle." Just ask his mom.
Carter, 7, son of Matt and Kim Yackley, of Atkinson, was discharged from Peoria Children's Hospital Sunday, Sept. 23, after being admitted Sept. 11 to have a third open-heart surgery.
As a result, medical expenses have continued to mount, something a group of family friends want to do something about, so they've formed a group called "Team Carter Cares."
The group will hold a ''Team Carter Fundraiser" Saturday, Oct. 6, which will include a bowl-a-thon, hog roast, auctions and music with a disc jockey and a band.
Carter's condition has been a family struggle, Mrs. Yackley said.
"It is so hard to see an innocent child in pain,'' she said. ''Why him? There are moments when you start to lose your way, when you want to take all the pain away, but you can't. What gets us through the sadness and loneliness is our faith."
''Carter has a special purpose in life,'' she said. ''He is here with us today for a reason. All we can do is enjoy each day as if it were our last. "
Just hours after Carter was born Aug. 20, 2005, in Moline, nurses detected his irregular breathing, Mrs. Yackley said.
Carter was then taken to Peoria Children's Hospital where he was diagnosed with Truncus Arteriosus, a congenital heart defect. Basically, Carter was born without a pulmonary artery and consequently no pulmonary and aorta valves, she said.
He was four days old when he underwent his first open-heart surgery, at which time doctors implanted two artificial valves. He was released from the hospital after 34 days.
''We thought everything was a success at the time, but when Carter was three months old, on Nov. 6, we noticed his irregular breathing and he had not been eating well," Mrs. Yackley said. "We knew something was wrong and we took him to the emergency room at Trinity Hospital in the middle of the night. He was airlifted to the hospital in Peoria."
The Yackleys learned then that both of his heart valves had failed.
''Carter was too sick to have surgery immediately so after five days, when he was stabilized, he was back in surgery," Mrs. Yackley said.
Human cadaver valves were used in Carter's first surgery, she said. He then received a St. Jude's mechanical aortic valve and a pig valve to replace the pulmonary valve in the second operation, Mrs. Yackley said.
At that time, doctors told them his replacement valves and artery would have to be replaced as he grew.
"But this time, they used an adult-size mechanical valve for the aortic valve and it cannot fail, and may not have to be replaced," Mrs. Yackley said.
His Sept. 11 surgery, though, wasn't completely without complications, she said.
Three days after surgery, doctors discovered bleeding from Carter's chest cavity, so he was taken back to surgery Sept. 15.
"They did not find the source of bleeding, but they did find blood clots around his lungs and heart, and that was taken care of," Mrs. Yackley said.
He remained in the hospital until Sept. 23 to allow him to gain strength.
"Unfortunately, his heart is still too weak on its own, so he currently is dependent on a pacemaker," Mrs. Yackley said.
His parents have remained dependent on their strong faith through all the trials and turmoil, and believes ''God heard all the prayers for Carter during the last few weeks,'' she said.
"I believe everything happens for a reason," Mrs. Yackley said. "God has a plan for all of us. At the time we may not understand, agree with, or like the path that was created for us, but the path He has chosen makes us stronger."
If you go
Team Carter Fundraiser
Saturday, Oct. 6.
--1 to 4 p.m. bowl-a-thon, Lee's Lanes, Geneseo
Make team reservations by calling (309) 507-0510 or online at www.teamcartercares.blogspot.com.
--5 p.m. hog roast, Atkinson American Legion, free-will donations.
--6:30 p.m. pie auction
--8 p.m. silent auction biddings end.
For information, call (309) 269-0787 or email teamcartercares@gmail.com. Team members are Jessica Hutchison, Tara VanOpdorp Goodwin, Dawn Hemphill, Jennifer Wanicki, Eugenia Walters, Holly Wangelin, and Brooke VanDerSnick.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Carter's Progress!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Still waiting...... We have been waiting 3 hours to have his central lines removed. Dr.Hasslemans gave the OK for discharge at 8am and Dr. Guess was here around 10am. He removed some dressings, listened to Carter's heart and lungs and gave his OK for discharge. Hoping to leave soon. The troops are getting restless.
A good meal and a good night sleep
FINALLY slept in a bed. After my parents arrived Matt and I took a very sassy Emily out to dinner. She really needed some alone time with us. We went to Joe's Crab Shack and feasted on some seafood. Afterwards we went back to the hospital and to say our goodnights and tuck Carter in. Grandma and Grandpa stayed overnight with Carter and Matt and I took Emily back to the Family House. I slept like a baby. Minus the pregnancy leg pains, it felt wonderful. We are well rested and ready for discharge day!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Saturday night visitors....
Ugh......1 more day
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday afternoon
We have had a relaxing day here. Dr. Fortuna stopped in early this morning. He said Carter will probably be discharged tomorrow or Sunday. Carter has pooped twice...I can't believe how exciting pooping has become here. I guess when you don't poop for 10 days it becomes a special occasion. They are going to stop Carter's IV fluids tonight. So we are hoping his central line can come out tomorrow. They also did an echocardiogram today. We haven't heard the results but no news is good news here. They always do an echo before discharge so they probably did it today instead of the weekend. I am sure it was just routine. He also has a chest xray daily. Doctor said cray is better every day. The last 2 nights his oxygen levels have dropped into the 70-80% range so he has needed oxygen during the night. The doctors are not concerned about it. I hope that gets resolved before we come home. And thinking about home. Oh man do we ever miss our home. We can't wait!!!! 11 days has been enough. I can't believe we were here 34 days when Carter was born. How did we ever make it through? The walls are starting to close in on us. On the brighter side.......this could be our last night. Yea!!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Is it day 10 or 11? Must be 11.....
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Carter eating "salty" chips. I am in shock. I really didn't think we would get to this point. He had such a major surgery and many critical days that I could not see this day coming. In just 24 hours he has made a complete turn around. I am so overjoyed. I seriously can't wrap my brain around the last 9 days and all Carter and our families been through. Grandpa Pete and Great Grandma Pat visited today. They played several games of UNO. Carter is quite the card shark. He even wants to do homework again!! I love it!!!!
Day 9....
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Event Reminder: Bowl-A-Thon Registration
Hello Everyone! I'm sorry to interrupt the wonderful updates on Carters progress, but I wanted to be sure to remind everyone that the deadline to sign up for the Bowl-A-Thon on October 6th, is fast approaching. If you have not already registered your team, please do as soon as possible. We hope you can make it to the event and support our super dooper hero!
For more information, or if you have any questions, please e-mail: teamcartercares@gmail.com
Thank you!!
Jennifer, on behalf of the Team Carter Benefit Committee
Great Progress
Overall Carter has made huge improvements in the last 24 hours. They stopped his IV blood pressure medication. Dr. Fortuna and the team rounded this morning. He is very happy with the drainage from the chest tube. If the drainage continues to taper off like it has the plan is to remove the chest tubes tomorrow!!!! Carter's lungs are both "collapsed" in the lower bases. They have weaned his oxygen down to 1 liter. Dr. Fortuna says this is not a problem. Today he wants Carter walking walking walking. Hopefully he has enough strength. It took everything out of him just to sit in a chair yesterday. It is amazing how quickly children can recover. Carter actually ate breakfast today. He had half a slice of french toast, 2 slices of Bacon, and a few grapes!!! We are so happy!! I finally left the hospital this morning. I am at the family house. I took a nice relaxing shower and I think I am going to lay down for an hour and take a much needed nap. Matt came to the family house during the night so we have traded spots. It feels so refreshing to be outside. Its a beautiful day and Carter is doing great. I couldn't ask for more. We are so blessed. I read in a book that in order to receive a miracle......you have to believe in miracles. You can bet I am a believer! Carter is a miracle. He is our miracle!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Finally got to sit with my baby. I couldn't even kiss him for about 4 days. Since his arterial line came out today Carter's nurse thought it would be OK. Being close to him feels wonderful. I can't wait until the day he can sit on my lap. Or sit on the couch and watch TV with me. Or walk down the sidewalk holding my hand. I have a feeling it won't be long!!!
9 am update
Yea!!!! Carter is out of bed. They let him sit up in a chair this morning. He really wanted out of bed. It took all the energy he had. He's very uncomfortable and wanted right back in bed. But its progress and each time will get easier. Carter kept his subway down. He had about 5 bites. He was super excited though. He's not hungry yet today. He is just so exhausted. Doctors should be rounding shortly.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Carter had a pretty good afternoon. As they say no news is good news. We never received the results of the echocardiogram they did this morning after discovering fluid around his lungs. I guess the doctors are hoping the Lasix will fix that problem. He had lots of visitors and now he is exhausted. But he did sing Ghostbusters and Scooby Doo theme songs in his quiet little voice. We keep making him yell in order to expand his lungs, but its still a soft little yell. At least he's trying. I have video of him singing and will post it later. The day shift nurse promised him Subway which is his favorite. I can't believe they are allowing it. In 6 days all he has had to eat is 1 cup of jello and a few Graham crackers. He wants it so bad that his eyes fill up with tears every time he talks about it. Subway sandwich has been pretty much the only thing he's talked about all day. He started crying (which is just tears since it hurts too much to really cry) earlier and I asked why. He pointed outside and said "it's dark.....now I can't have subway". Matt left at 8pm in search of Subway. He knew where 2 subways were located and of coarse both were closed. The nurse called around and finally found an open Subway near Bradley. I just received a text from Matt it read......SUCCESS. YEA....45 MINUTES LATER AND A SUBWAY SANDWICH IS ON ITS WAY!!! It will be an even bigger success if he keeps it down without getting sick. I will keep u posted. If he can eat a sandwich after all he's been through this week then things will definitely be looking up!!!
Sunday update....9am
24 Hours After 2nd Surgery
Carter has been stable. Spent the last 12 hours resting. I brought some stuffed animals from home because the surgeons office suggested stuffed animals and favorite blanket. Well Carter doesn't have either. He doesn't have a favorite animal or blanket. Well that has change. He know has 6. And they don't like to be covered up by blankets. Carter says they can't breath under all the blankets. We brought Emily's frog Fribbit. His Beanie baby bird Birdacaine. Then he received Salty the seal at the surgeons office the day before surgery. And Tdore whhich is actually Theodore the Chipmunk came from Jess and Brooke. All his nurses take great care off his friends. Last night Nurse Amy added 2 more to the group. I found it cute that he has become attached to these animals and they have kind of taken on a life of there own. I think it's probably a way for him to cope and also a way to play without using any energy. Here is a picture of Carter and all his friends. He had to have the nurse place them just right.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Saturday Night.
Carter is doing bettter with the breathing tube out. Voice is super soft so he doesn't talk much. Which is ok because he really sleepy.Tonight is all about resting and recovering from today's surgery. He asked Matt and Nurse Amy if daddy could lay in bed with him. He was excited that Nurse Amy gave her approval!!!
Postop update 6pm
The last 2 hours were awful. It was torture for all of us to watch him fight the breathing tube. He fought so hard that his blood pressure went sky high, his heart rate went sky high and he kept chokinng on the tube. After all that the breathing tube has been removed. Vital signs are stable. And Carter is resting peacefully!!!! After a rough day I am extremely hopefully things are going to improve from here!!! Thank you all so much for your prayers!!!
Postop update 3pm
Carter is back in his ICU room. He is on the ventilator still. They have begun weanling him off. They just want to make sure he will be able to maintain good oxygen on his own. They are not sedating him though which is awful. He cries tears and tries to fight but they have him restrained. He gestures to us that he wants the tube out. It is heartbreaking but we are trying to keep him relaxed!!!!
Returning to Surgery in the AM
Friday, September 14, 2012
Dr. Geiss was just in. He didn't say much about the echo. The valves and conduit look good. There is an area were the blood accelerates through the pulmonary artery but they didn't seem concerned. It's not whats causing the bleeding. The main concern was blood collecting around the heart and there is no blood around the heart...yea!! Dr. Geiss wants to continue measuring the blood overnight and he will be back in the morning. So I guess no news tonight is a good thing. We do know there is no emergency at this time. He looks much better after receiving a unit of blood. His lips are pink again!! Grandma and Grandpa Cathelyn just arrived and Carter has already beat them in a game of Uno. Nothing to eat or drink again tonight....maybe tomorrow. Tonight we need to pray that the bleeding slows down and tomorrow we can focus on recovery.
Rough Afternoon
The pediatric intensivist and the nurse practitioners did their rounds and stopped in to go over the plans for today. Carter's blood pressure was high yesterday so they had to increase his IV blood pressure medications. They did start him back on his oral blood pressure med. If they can wean him off the IV Med and the oral BP med works well to keep his blood pressure under control then they are hoping to remove his arterial lines tomorrow. He can not get out of bed until the arterial lines are removed. His xray also showed a pocket of fluid near the chest tubes so they are sending the xray to the surgeon. So we will find out more later. He is also getting a lot of blood out of his chest tubes so they are closely monitoring those. Overall no major complications. These are all things that can be fixed. He definitely made it through the worse part. He lost his perkiness from this morning. He's having pain again and is tired. He did have a jello cup and some a little bit of Gatorade. Today's just more rest, cough and deep breathing, and lots of fluids!!!
9/14/12........It's Friday.
3 days postop. Carter seems to be in better spirits today. He slept well during the night and seems to be more comfortable today. The doctors haven't rounded yet this morning. The ICU is packed so it could be awhile until the docs make it to our room. They did try to wean Carter off his oxygen but his oxygen levels kept dipping so he's back on a very very small amount of oxygen. Platelets haven't recovered from surgery. They are still low at 49. The other concern is his chest tubes. They have been draining a lit of blood over the last 24 hours which isn't a problem just means he is still bleeding inside and not clotting. It's not a problem because eventually he will. But they might have to put medication in through the chest tubes. We will learn more when the doctors round. I will keep u all updated. Thank you!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Carter has been sad all day. He doesnt want to drink his fluids. He doesnt want to talk. He has been resting most of the day. He says it hurts to move. He did have his foley catheter removed this afternoon. Meg and grandpa Pete came to visit. Meg and I had a great visit. Thank u Meg for the gifts and treats!!! Carter also received a care package in the mail from his friend Will. He was so happy to receive mail. He said he couldn't wait to get back to school to thank Will. So he thought writing him a message would work for now. We took as picture of his message and attached it below. Lisa could you please show Will the picture and give him a big hug from Carter.Thank u so much for the package. Your thoughtfullness is deeply appreciated!!!
Carter getting his teeth brushed by his favorite nurse Jeanette. She takes wonderful care of him. His breath was AWFUL!!!! Carter is extremely sad today. I guess yesterday was the honeymoon phase. Today Carter's having a bit more pain. Pain in his back, hips, legs. He's even having gas pains. Plus he's tired of being in bed. He's not talking. Very quiet. He is just plain SAD!!!
Carter still continues to do well. He hasn't moved since last night. He finally got comfortable and slept for a few hours. So far today he doesn't want to talk and he doesn't want to move. I think he's catching on that they cause more pain. Temperature is down and pacemaker is good. Today is all about coughing and deep breathing to prevent pneumonia and rest in between. Matt finally got some sleep last night. I an doing well. And Emily is back at Growth and preschool today. Everything is good.........it definitely could be a lot worse!!!
Dr. Fortuna Carter's surgeon stopped in late tonight and tweaked Carters medicines a bit. He removed a large amount of blood from Carter's chest tube drains. The blood return in the drains had inceased for a few hours but is slowing down again. Which is not abnormal. They also do blood work every hour or so at the bedside and Fortuna said his hemoglobin was low so he received a unit of blood. His temperature was up also. It was 101.0 but after some medicine is now 100.3. They also increased pain meds.....yea!!! So he is taking a nap. Daddy is also napping and I think its a good time for me to rest too!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Almost 24 hours postop....
9/12/12: Afternoon Update
Currently having blood pressure problems. Every 5 minutes he is receiving medication to raise his blood pressure. Pressure critically low. They thought it was due to sedation but they have used reversal agents without success. They have removed breathing tube and that is going well. But they can't get him to wake up.
<p>They are pulling the breathing tube because Carter's having some blood pressure issues. When sedation starts to wear off he fights the tube and of coarse they have him restrained...which makes him fight more and his blood pressure goes up. Then they give him sedation and his blood pressure drops too low. Other then he's doing well.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Surgery day is coming to an end
Carter finally made it to his room after 8pm. He is doing well. Carter will have a breathing tube over night. Hopefully he will come off the ventilator tomorrow morning. Hes on the ventilator so he can get some rest and remain sedated through the night. He was having some complications with his pacemaker coming out of surgery. That was the cause of the delay. He is dependent on his pacemaker again but that could be temporary. I have lots of other news about how the surgery went but I am exhausted. He actually looks pretty good for just having a 10 hour surgery. Please pray for a good night and I will talk to you all in the morning. Thank you all for you prayers and support. We are truly grateful!!!
<p>We have just been moved to the Meditation room.....we are finally out of the waiting room!!!!! We are waiting for the cardiac surgeon to come in and discuss the surgery. They are moving him to ICU!!! Thank you for all the love and support.....please continue to pray and I will update after we talk to Dr. Fortunately.
4pm update: They are actively warming Carter's body and replacing his pacemaker generator. As awful as the process sounds I am thankful I don't know what actually happens behind those operating room doors. Even the nurse in me has no desire to know. The good news is..........we are nearing the end!!!!!
3pm update: They are still working. And we will be updated again in 1 hour. They said the next step which is a ways down the road would be to start rewarming his body. I finally got some fresh air. The girls are playing cards, matts playing Carter's DS, grandma Pat's working in a puzzle book, the rest of the family is chatting and coloring with Emily. Its been a long day but we are more than half way through!!!!
Carter was taken into the operating room right at 8am this morning. They said they would give us the 1st update when the incision was made. Carter was such a trooper. He didn't even notice they were wheeling him away from us. They gave him an ipad with angry birds and his eyes were fixated on the game. I will update soon. Thank u!!
Surgery day
We were just updated that they have started the surgery. 9:35 am
Monday, September 10, 2012
somewhere out there - Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram(with lyrics)
Carter and I spending quality time together reading books. We have finally checked into our hotel. We toured the ICU this afternoon. The hospital has changed so much since Carter's last surgery. He really thinks we are going on vacation. He is so excited. Grandma and grandpa Cathelyn, grandpa Pete, great grandma Pat, Uncle Cat, and Emily are on there way here!! Looking forward to seeing familiar faces!!
Less than 24 hours....ugh
Waiting to see the doctor. Carter has several preop tests today. He is very nervous today. He keeps asking to go home. I think he is finally realizes this isn't a vacation. He is trying so hard to be strong!! Gotta love his courage!!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Blood thinners.....
Well Carter had to stop his coumadin on Friday. Unfortunately he was started on lovenox injections. He gets 2 shots a day for 2 days. Lets just say the first one didn't go over so well. I tried holding him while Matt gave the injection. He is one strong little boy. 20 minutes later and Carter finally had his medicine. There is a possibility that after Carter's surgery he will not require blood thinners!!! It depends on whether they use a cadaver valve a another mechanical valve. We total left that decision up to the surgeon. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if he came home Coumadin free. Ya.....that would be wonderful!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Team Carter!!
Here is a picture of Team Carter. Team Carter is a group of our friends who have been working on a fundraiser since the day we found out Carter would need surgery. They have pulled together and worked day after day on spreading the word. This picture was taken at the Atkinson Heritage Day Parade on August 25th, 2012. Team Carter beat the heat and walked the parade passing out flyers. I am so thankful for Team Carter. I believe God brought you into our life for a reason. You are always there for us and you have kept our minds off of the surgery. I know there is nothing you wouldn't do for our family. We are truly blessed to have you in our life!!! You have kept our family smiling during a very uncertain time. Thank you Team Carter!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Happy 7th Birthday Carter!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
August 2012. Carter's first day of 1st Grade!!!
Carter loves school. I had to post a picture of his first day of school. This has been the center of his world over the last couple of weeks. He loves being in 1st grade!! He wakes up so excited to go and when he comes home at night he plays school until bedtime. He pretends to write books. He has several notebooks that he currently writes "stories" in. Most of his notebooks contain Scooby Doo stories that he has made up. Maybe one day he will be a journalist. As much as he loves movies and writing, I think he is on his way to writing a screenplay...lol. I hope this passion for writing, reading, and school continues. At least it will keep him busy over the next month or so while he recovers from surgery. He is really going to miss school. Unfortunately we have no idea how much school Carter is going to miss. We have lots of projects and "homework" planned to keep him up to date with his class. He will also receive tutoring once he is feeling up to it.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Carter's Story
Carter was diagnosed with an extremely rare congenital heart defect know as truncus arteriosus. In a normal infant and adult there are 2 main blood vessels leaving the heart: the aorta and the pulmonary artery. These are the 2 main and largest arteries in your body. Each artery contains a valve: the aortic valve and the pulmonary valve. In truncus arteriosus instead of having a separate pulmonary artery and aorta, each with their own 3-leafed valves, a baby with truncus has only one great blood vessel (artery) or trunk leaving the heart which then branches into blood vessels that go to the lungs and the body. This causes pooling of blood and oxygenated blood mixing with deoxygenated blood. This one great vessel usually has one large valve which may have between 2 and 5 leaflets. Usually this great vessel sits over both the left and right ventricle. The upper portion of the wall between these 2 chambers is missing resulting in what is known as a ventricular septal defect (VSD). Carter’s was also a little more complex in that his septum which separates the right and left side of the heart beats the wrong direction. This is something his doctors have never seen or heard of.
Once Carter was stabilized, he had his first open heart surgery. He was 4 days old and in surgery for over 14 hours. Carter’s first open heart surgery included the doctors making a pulmonary artery. They used a plastic tube called a conduit and formed a pulmonary artery. From there they needed to add 2 heart valves. They used human heart valves called homografts to create an aortic valve and a pulmonary valve. At such a young age and due to the swelling that takes place, Carter came out of surgery with his chest open and his heart exposed.
Carter experienced a few snags on his way to recover after his first surgery. For instance, after surgery they leave pacing wires connected to the heart so if the heart slows down or becomes irregular they can pace the heart with an external pacemaker. Carter never regained his heart function and had to return to the operating room to have a permanent pacemaker inserted. He still has his pacemaker today; however, his heart has regained function and it is only on backup in case of emergency.
Slowly but surely Carter started getting stronger and soon they were able to start removing equipment, IV medications (at one time he had 26 IV drips) and his ventilator. Finally, on September 24, 2005 Carter was discharged from OSF! He had spent the first 35 days of life in a hospital crib and was finally able to go home!
In the early hours of November 6, 2005 Kim and Matt took Carter to the emergency room. His lab work came back critical; he was dig toxic. His potassium level was so high the doctor worried about sudden cardiac death. Carter was airlifted once again to OSF Children’s Hospital in Peoria. Carter was in heart failure. Both of Carter’s heart valves had failed; they were completely wide open and no longer working.
On November 10, 2005 Carter had his second open heart surgery. They had to replace both the aortic valve and pulmonary valve. Doctors decided to insert a St. Jude’s mechanical valve in place of his aortic valve. This time Carter’s chest was closed when he came out of surgery. Once Carter was stabilized and doing well, Kim and Matt were informed that Carter only has 1 kidney. In the big picture this was only a minor detail, but in Kim’s eyes it was one more piece of devastating news. Carter was discharged from OSF on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2005.
Since then Carter has done amazingly well. All of his doctors are extremely impressed with his progress. There have been a few bumps along the way; at age 3 Carter was diagnosed with a seizure disorder. He was put on anti-seizure medication and has had no seizures since. He has a follow up with his neurologist every 6 months and an EEG yearly. He sees his urologist every 2 years for follow up and he sees an orthopedic specialist every year due to a hip deformity. The hip deformity doesn’t slow him down but one day he will need to have surgery to correct the bones in his leg. Carter also sees his cardiologist every 6 months. These are usually long visits that include an echocardiogram, EKG, chest x-ray and pacemaker check.
On July 18, 2012 Carter had his 6 month cardiology checkup. Kim has said she doesn’t know if it was mother’s intuition or not but she had an extremely bad feeling all the way to Peoria. Upon arrival they were immediately taken into the room where the echocardiograms are performed. Kim could tell something was different. The echo technician got a lot more angles and spent an extra amount of time reviewing certain areas. Carter was then taken for his pacemaker check. During the checkup the cardiologist said Carter’s pacemaker battery was low and only had 7 months of life left on it. He said Carter would need a simple surgery to replace the generator to his pacemaker. It would be a same day surgery. After that Kim and Carter spent some time waiting for his cardiologist to review his echo. When he came in to speak with Kim she knew instantly something was wrong. Carter’s doctor informed her that Carter would need another open heart surgery soon. He said both the aortic and pulmonary valves were severely stenosised and the pulmonary conduit was also severely stenosised and needed to be replaced.
With so much going on over the last 7 years, Carter still leads a normal life like any other boy his age. He is a true miracle. He plays t-ball, rides bikes, swims and participates in gym class at school. He is so full of energy that you would never know by looking at him that he was born with a congenital heart defect. He is a very strong, overactive, fun-loving little boy. He loves his friends and family and is always giving hugs. He doesn’t really understand his extensive medical history but he does know he has a “broken heart”.
Carter’s third open heart surgery is scheduled for September 11, 2012. At that time he will have both heart valves replaced, the pulmonary artery conduit replaced, and his pacemaker battery changed. The surgery will take approximately 8-10 hours. The first 24 hours of recovery will determine how long Carter will need to remain in the hospital. If everything goes well he may be able to come home after 7 days. It is unsure how long Carter's recovery will be and what will take place in the months following Carter's surgery.
If you are willing to make a monetary donation, please use the PayPal link located on this site or you may also donate by sending a check to:
The Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown
Attn: Eugenia
700 US Hwy 6 E
PO Box 180
Geneseo, IL 61254
Make Checks Payable to: Carter Yackley Benefit
If you are willing to donate a gift certificate or a gift basket for a silent auction to be held during the Bowl-A-Thon event in October, please contact us to let us know.
Thank you to everyone who supports Team Carter!!